Visa Classic | ardshinbank

Visa Classic

The card is issued for 5 years.
The card account can be opened in AMD, USD, EUR.
The payment card is valid in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and abroad.
The card can be used for all types of payments and cash withdrawals in more than 26 million trade points and 700,000 ATMs around the world.

The Management Board decision N  01/047-302 Լ  dated 07.07.2023


Visa Classic





1.General commission fees



Card provision (issue)*******

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

1.2  Card provision (issue)********** receiving additional services***********  7000 AMD 7000 AMD 7000 AMD 7000 AMD


Card service fee, if as of the end of the last calendar month the average daily balance of the card is above 100000 AMD

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge


Card service fee, if as of the end of the last calendar month the average daily balance of the card is less 100000 AMD**

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month


Attached card service fee

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 


Cash withdrawal fees*****




  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by cards

0% for transactions up to 100000 AMD per day and 0.5% for a transaction over 100000 AMD and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 200  USD  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 0.5% for transactions over 200 USD (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions

0% for transactions equivalent to 200 EUR per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 0.5% for transactions over 200 EUR (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 1500 CNY  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 0.5% for transactions over 1500 CNY (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions 


  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by digital cards

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash terminals of the Bank






  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system by cards

0% for transactions up to 100000 AMD per day and 1% for a transaction over 100000 AMD and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 200  USD  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 1% for transactions over 200 USD (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions

0% for transactions equivalent to 200 EUR per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 1% for transactions over 200 EUR (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 1500 CNY  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 1% for transactions over 1500 CNY (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions


  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system and all other banks by digital cards

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash terminals of other banks

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD


  • via ATMs of other banks by cards

1.5% min 1500 AMD

  1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash-desks of the Bank without presenting the card (also applicable in case of closing the card and the card account)

According to tariffs of cash transactions for individuals


Fee for crediting the card account**



  • up to 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency) via the Bank’s cash-desk**

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100 AMD

  • above 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency)

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  • Card account replenishment via non-cash transfer 

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)





  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks not serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)






Annual simple (nominal) interest rate calculated to the card account balance***



  • As of the end of day the balance is above or equal to 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR





  • As of the end of day the balance is less 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR






Fee for non-cash payment for goods and services by cards via payment terminals








2.Card loss, re-issue and closing


  1. 1

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system





  1. 2

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system and registering in the Stop-list

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

  1. 3

Re-issuance of card based on the client’s application

2000 AMD

2000 AMD

2000 AMD

2000 AMD

  1. 4

Emergency cash disbursement if the card is lost abroad

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 5

Emergency temporary re-issuance abroad 

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 6

Unblocking of the card in the Bank’s authorization system for entering incorrect PIN

1000 AMD

1000 AMD

1000 AMD

1000 AMD

  1. 7

Closing of the payment card and account based on the card-holder’s application

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

3.Penalties and charges


  1. 1

Penalty for card account overdraft

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum



  1. 1

Card-to-card transfers to the Bank’s card





  1. 2

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks-members of ARCA system





  1. 3

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks- not members of ARCA system

1% min 500 AMD

1% min 500 AMD

1% min 500 AMD

1% min 500 AMD

  1. 4

Transfers from the card account

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals (in case of closing the payment card and account, intra-bank and interbank transfers to the RA banks are made free of charge)

5.Other commission fees


  1. 1

Provision of payment ring*****

125000 AMD

  1. 2

Provision and re-issue of Priority Pass card

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 3

Access to the Priority Pass service network 

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 4

Delivery of SMS for authorizations, one-time PIN code and secret code for online transactions

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD


Regarding repayment of credit obligations

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  1. 6

Provision of statements and certificates****

According to tariffs and conditions of opening and service of bank accounts of individuals

6.Authorization limits


  1. 1

Daily cash withdrawal limit

500000 AMD

1000 USD

1000 EUR

7000 CNY

  1. 2

Number of daily cash withdrawals





  1. 3

Daily noncash transaction limit

1500000 AMD

3000 USD

3000 EUR

20000 CNY



  1. 4

Number of daily noncash transactions







  1. 5

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

2500000 AMD

5000 USD

4000 EUR

25000 CNY

  1. 6

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 7

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

1000000 AMD

2000 USD

1700 EUR

11000 CNY



  1. 8

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 9

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

5000000 AMD

10000 USD

9000 EUR

62000 CNY

  1. 10

Number of  weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 11

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

2500000 AMD

5000 USD

4000 EUR

25000 CNY



  1. 12

Number of weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 13

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

7500000 AMD

15000 USD

14000 EUR

95000 CNY



  1. 14

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 15

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

4000000 AMD

8000 USD

7000 EUR

450000 CNY



  1. 16

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





7.Provision conditions


  1. 1

The basic payment card is issued to any individual over 14, who submits the relevant and valid documents.

  1. 2

The payment card is provided to individuals having an e-mail address and a mobile phone number.

  1. 3

The payment card specified in these tariffs can be provided as an attached card to a cardholder who has an international classic or premium debit (settlement) card in the Bank and has submitted appropriate and valid documents specified in the List of documents required for debit card issuance.

Holder of the attached card may be any individual regardless of citizenship and age, including the basic card holder.

  1. 4

The payment card is provided for 5 years. Payment card re-issuance is carried out for a new term in the cases defined by the Payment Cards Rules.

  1. 5

Only one type payment card can be issued in the same currency.

  1. 6

The payment card is issued within 5 working days upon provision of proper and valid documents specified in the List. The payment card is activated in accordance with the Payment Cards Rules.


*Payment card service fee is not charged for the first year in case of opening a term deposit in the amount of 1,000,000 AMD, 2,500 USD, 2,000 EUR or above, or in case of purchase of bank bonds in the same amount or above upon submission of valid documents for issuance of a debit (settlement) card.

**In case or in the process of insolvency of the Bank's self-service devices (terminals) or inaccessibility of the service for replenishment of accounts and cards at the Bank via those terminals, as well as for the Bank branches (CSD) not furnished with such devices, the tariff is set 0 (zero) AMD.

***Annual simple (nominal) interest rate is the tariff based annual interest rate, according to which the Bank calculates the interest payable to the Client.

For example: 1000 AMD * 5% = 50 AMD for 365 days

The annual percentage yield (APY) is the percentage that a person will receive as a result of a simple interest rate over the 365-day period of 1,000 drams and the interest capitalization and payment frequency.

The annual percentage yield of the deposit is the amount received from the calculation of interest payable at annual interest rate.

The procedure for calculation of annual percentage yield is defined by Regulation 8/02 of the Central Bank of Armenia "On calculation of annual percentage yield of bank deposits".

The Bank shall pay the interest to the Client's account quarterly. According to the RA law "On income tax”, the Bank acts as the tax agent of the depositor through collecting and transferring to the state budget the amount of payable income tax.

****Documents and/or information with an expired maintenance term in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia shall not be provided to the Bank's clients.

*****The new cash withdrawal system operates as follows:

The client can withdraw up to 100000 AMD per day via each ATM without paying a commission fee. For each transaction exceeding 100000 AMD, a commission fee is charged, which is set for the ATM where the transaction takes place. For example, the client withdraws 70000 AMD via ATM of another bank serviced by ArCa system, after which he withdraws 50000 AMD via ATM of Ardshinbank on the same day, and 30000 AMD via ATM of another bank serviced by ArCa system. In this case, the client will be charged 70000*0+50000*0.5%+30000*1%=550 AMD.

If the client uses an ATM not serviced by ArCa system, the transaction logically participates in the above-mentioned calculation as of the day of transaction settlement through ArCa processing company.

******Only one payment ring is provided with one card. When ordering a payment ring for an active card, it is necessary to submit an application for re-issuance of the card.

******* An additional fee of AMD 50,000 is set if the Customer is identified remotely, without physically visiting the Bank for opening  an account, issuing or reissuing a card. In the case of providing several cards or accounts with remote identification to the customer on the same day, one additional payment is applied.

In addition to what is specified in these tariffs, additional service commissions may be applied by the servicing bank for cash withdrawal transactions.

*********** As part of additional services, payment card insurance is provided with an insurance amount of AMD 200,000 for a period of 1 year.


The Management Board decision N  01/073-434 Լ  dated 28.09.2023



Visa Classic





1.General commission fees



Card provision (issue)*******

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

1.2  Card provision (issue)********** receiving additional services***********  7000 AMD 7000 AMD 7000 AMD 7000 AMD


Card service fee, if as of the end of the last calendar month the average daily balance of the card is above 100000 AMD

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge


Card service fee, if as of the end of the last calendar month the average daily balance of the card is less 100000 AMD**

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month


Attached card service fee

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 


Cash withdrawal fees*****




  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by cards

0% for transactions up to 100000 AMD per day and 0.5% for a transaction over 100000 AMD and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 200  USD  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 0.5% for transactions over 200 USD (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions

0% for transactions equivalent to 200 EUR per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 0.5% for transactions over 200 EUR (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 1500 CNY  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 0.5% for transactions over 1500 CNY (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions 


  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by digital cards

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash terminals of the Bank






  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system by cards

0% for transactions up to 100000 AMD per day and 1% for a transaction over 100000 AMD and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 200  USD  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 1% for transactions over 200 USD (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions

0% for transactions equivalent to 200 EUR per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 1% for transactions over 200 EUR (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions 

0% for transactions equivalent to 1500 CNY  per day (calculated at the sell rate of the Bank as of the transaction settlement day) and 1% for transactions over 1500 CNY (calculated on the same basis) and the following transactions


  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system and all other banks by digital cards

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash terminals of other banks

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD


  • via ATMs of other banks by cards

1.5% min 1500 AMD

  1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD

1.5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash-desks of the Bank without presenting the card (also applicable in case of closing the card and the card account)

According to tariffs of cash transactions for individuals


Fee for crediting the card account**



  • up to 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency) via the Bank’s cash-desk**

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100 AMD

  • above 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency)

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  • Card account replenishment via non-cash transfer 

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)





  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks not serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)






Annual simple (nominal) interest rate calculated to the card account balance***



  • As of the end of day the balance is above or equal to 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR





  • As of the end of day the balance is less 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR






Fee for non-cash payment for goods and services by cards via payment terminals








2.Card loss, re-issue and closing


  1. 1

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system





  1. 2

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system and registering in the Stop-list

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

  1. 3

Re-issuance of card based on the client’s application

2000 AMD

2000 AMD

2000 AMD

2000 AMD

  1. 4

Emergency cash disbursement if the card is lost abroad

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 5

Emergency temporary re-issuance abroad 

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 6

Unblocking of the card in the Bank’s authorization system for entering incorrect PIN

1000 AMD

1000 AMD

1000 AMD

1000 AMD

  1. 7

Closing of the payment card and account based on the card-holder’s application

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

3.Penalties and charges


  1. 1

Penalty for card account overdraft

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum



  1. 1

Card-to-card transfers to the Bank’s card





  1. 2

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks-members of ARCA system





  1. 3

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks- not members of ARCA system

1% min 500 AMD

1% min 500 AMD

1% min 500 AMD

1% min 500 AMD

  1. 4

Transfers from the card account

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals (in case of closing the payment card and account, intra-bank and interbank transfers to the RA banks are made free of charge)

5.Other commission fees


  1. 1

Provision of payment ring*****

125000 AMD

  1. 2

Provision and re-issue of Priority Pass card

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 3

Access to the Priority Pass service network 

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 4

Delivery of SMS for authorizations, one-time PIN code and secret code for online transactions

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD


Regarding repayment of credit obligations

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  1. 6

Provision of statements and certificates****

According to tariffs and conditions of opening and service of bank accounts of individuals

6.Authorization limits


  1. 1

Daily cash withdrawal limit

500000 AMD

1000 USD

1000 EUR

7000 CNY

  1. 2

Number of daily cash withdrawals





  1. 3

Daily noncash transaction limit

1500000 AMD

3000 USD

3000 EUR

20000 CNY



  1. 4

Number of daily noncash transactions







  1. 5

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

2500000 AMD

5000 USD

4000 EUR

25000 CNY

  1. 6

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 7

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

1000000 AMD

2000 USD

1700 EUR

11000 CNY



  1. 8

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 9

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

5000000 AMD

10000 USD

9000 EUR

62000 CNY

  1. 10

Number of  weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 11

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

2500000 AMD

5000 USD

4000 EUR

25000 CNY



  1. 12

Number of weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 13

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

7500000 AMD

15000 USD

14000 EUR

95000 CNY



  1. 14

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 15

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

4000000 AMD

8000 USD

7000 EUR

450000 CNY



  1. 16

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





7.Provision conditions


  1. 1

The basic payment card is issued to any individual over 14, who submits the relevant and valid documents.

  1. 2

The payment card is provided to individuals having an e-mail address and a mobile phone number.

  1. 3

The payment card specified in these tariffs can be provided as an attached card to a cardholder who has an international classic or premium debit (settlement) card in the Bank and has submitted appropriate and valid documents specified in the List of documents required for debit card issuance.

Holder of the attached card may be any individual regardless of citizenship and age, including the basic card holder.

  1. 4

The payment card is provided for 5 years. Payment card re-issuance is carried out for a new term in the cases defined by the Payment Cards Rules.

  1. 5

Only one type payment card can be issued in the same currency.

  1. 6

The payment card is issued within 5 working days upon provision of proper and valid documents specified in the List. The payment card is activated in accordance with the Payment Cards Rules.


*Payment card service fee is not charged for the first year in case of opening a term deposit in the amount of 1,000,000 AMD, 2,500 USD, 2,000 EUR or above, or in case of purchase of bank bonds in the same amount or above upon submission of valid documents for issuance of a debit (settlement) card.

**In case or in the process of insolvency of the Bank's self-service devices (terminals) or inaccessibility of the service for replenishment of accounts and cards at the Bank via those terminals, as well as for the Bank branches (CSD) not furnished with such devices, the tariff is set 0 (zero) AMD.

***Annual simple (nominal) interest rate is the tariff based annual interest rate, according to which the Bank calculates the interest payable to the Client.

For example: 1000 AMD * 5% = 50 AMD for 365 days

The annual percentage yield (APY) is the percentage that a person will receive as a result of a simple interest rate over the 365-day period of 1,000 drams and the interest capitalization and payment frequency.

The annual percentage yield of the deposit is the amount received from the calculation of interest payable at annual interest rate.

The procedure for calculation of annual percentage yield is defined by Regulation 8/02 of the Central Bank of Armenia "On calculation of annual percentage yield of bank deposits".

The Bank shall pay the interest to the Client's account quarterly. According to the RA law "On income tax”, the Bank acts as the tax agent of the depositor through collecting and transferring to the state budget the amount of payable income tax.

****Documents and/or information with an expired maintenance term in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia shall not be provided to the Bank's clients.

*****The new cash withdrawal system operates as follows:

The client can withdraw up to 100000 AMD per day via each ATM without paying a commission fee. For each transaction exceeding 100000 AMD, a commission fee is charged, which is set for the ATM where the transaction takes place. For example, the client withdraws 70000 AMD via ATM of another bank serviced by ArCa system, after which he withdraws 50000 AMD via ATM of Ardshinbank on the same day, and 30000 AMD via ATM of another bank serviced by ArCa system. In this case, the client will be charged 70000*0+50000*0.5%+30000*1%=550 AMD.

If the client uses an ATM not serviced by ArCa system, the transaction logically participates in the above-mentioned calculation as of the day of transaction settlement through ArCa processing company.

******Only one payment ring is provided with one card. When ordering a payment ring for an active card, it is necessary to submit an application for re-issuance of the card.

******* An additional fee of AMD 50,000 is set if the Customer is identified remotely, without physically visiting the Bank for opening  an account, issuing or reissuing a card. In the case of providing several cards or accounts with remote identification to the customer on the same day, one additional payment is applied.

In addition to what is specified in these tariffs, additional service commissions may be applied by the servicing bank for cash withdrawal transactions.

*********** As part of additional services, payment card insurance is provided with an insurance amount of AMD 200,000 for a period of 1 year.


The Management Board decision N  01/047-302 Լ  dated 07.07.2023







  1. General commission fees


Card provision (issue)*****

15000 AMD

1.2 Card provision (issue)******* receiving additional services******** 22000 AMD


Attached Card provision (issue)*****

15000 AMD


Card service fee

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month


Attached card service fee

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month

200 AMD per month


Cash withdrawal fees



  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by cards






  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by digital cards

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash terminals of the Bank



  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system






  • via cash terminals of other banks

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via ATMs of other banks

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system and all other banks by digital cards

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash-desks of the Bank without presenting the card  (alsօ applicable in case of closing the card and the card account )

According to tariffs of cash transactions for individuals


Fee for crediting the card account

  • up to 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency) via the Bank’s cash-desk *

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100  AMD

0.5% min 100  AMD

0.5% min 100  AMD

  • above 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency)

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  • Card account replenishment via non-cash transfer 

 According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)


  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks not serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)



Annual simple (nominal) interest rate calculated to the card account balance **

  • As of the end of day the balance is above or equal to 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR





  • As of the end of day the balance is less 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR






Fee for non-cash payment for goods and services by cards via payment terminals








  1. Card loss, re-issue and closing
  1. 1

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system





  1. 2

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system and registering in the Stop-list

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

  1. 3

Re-issuance of card based on the client’s application

2,000 AMD

2,000 AMD

2,000 AMD

2,000 AMD

  1. 4

Unblocking of the card in the Bank’s authorization system for entering incorrect PIN

1,000 AMD

1,000 AMD

1,000 AMD

   1,000 AMD

  1. 5

Closing of the payment card and account based on the card-holder’s application

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

   free of charge

  1. Penalties and charges

Penalty for card account overdraft

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum

  1. Transfers
  1. 1

Card-to-card transfers to the Bank’s card





  1. 2

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks-members of ARCA system





  1. 3

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks- not members of ARCA system

2% min 500 AMD

2% min 500 AMD

2% min 500 AMD

2% min 500 AMD

  1. 4

Transfers from the card account

  According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals (in case of closing the payment card and account, intra-bank and interbank transfers to the RA banks are made free of charge)

  1. Other commission fees
  1. 1

Provision of payment ring ****

125000 AMD

  1. 2

Provision and re-issue of Priority Pass card

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 3

Access to the Priority Pass service network 

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 4

Delivery of SMS for authorizations, one-time PIN code and secret code for online transactions

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD

  1. 5

Delivery of SMS for loan liabilities

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  1. 6

Provision of statements and certificates ***

According to tariffs and conditions of opening and service of bank accounts of individuals

  1. Authorization limits
  1. 1

Daily cash withdrawal limit

1,500,000 AMD

3000 USD

3000 EUR

7000 CNY

  1. 2

Number of daily cash withdrawals





  1. 3

Daily noncash transaction limit

3,000,000   AMD

6,000 USD

5,500 EUR

20000 CNY

  1. 4

Number of daily noncash transactions





  1. 5

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

2,500,000 AMD

5,000 USD

4,000 EUR

25000 CNY

  1. 6

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 7

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

1,000,000  AMD

2,000 USD

1,700 EUR


11000 CNY

  1. 8

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 9

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

5,000,000 AMD

10,000 USD

9,000 EUR

62000 CNY

  1. 10

Number of  weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 11

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

2,500,000 AMD

5,000 USD

4,000 EUR

25000 CNY

  1. 12

Number of weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 13

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

7,500,000 AMD

15,000 USD

14,000 EUR

95000 CNY

  1. 14

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 15

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

4,000,000 AMD

8,000 USD

7,000 EUR

450000 CNY

  1. 16

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. Provision conditions
  1. 1

The basic payment card is issued to an adult individual, non-resident of the Republic of Armenia, upon provision of proper and valid documents specified in the List of documents required for debit card issuance.

  1. 2

The payment card is provided to individuals having an e-mail address and a mobile phone number.

  1. 3

The payment card specified in these tariffs cannot be provided as an attached card for other types of cards.

  1. 4

The payment card is provided for 5 years. Payment card re-issuance is carried out for a new term in the cases defined by the Payment Cards Rules.

  1. 5

The payment card account is opened in one of the currencies specified in these tariffs. 

  1. 6

Only one type payment card can be issued in the same currency.

  1. 7

The payment card is issued within 5 working days upon provision of proper and valid documents specified in the List. The payment card is activated in accordance with the Payment Cards Rules.


* In case or in the process of insolvency of the Bank's self-service devices (terminals) or inaccessibility of the service for replenishment of accounts and cards at the Bank via those terminals, as well as for the Bank branches (CSD) not furnished with such devices, the tariff is set 0 (zero) AMD.

** Annual simple (nominal) interest rate is the tariff based annual interest rate, according to which the Bank calculates the interest payable to the Client.

For example: 1000 AMD * 5% = 50 AMD for 365 days

The annual percentage yield (APY) is the percentage that a person will receive as a result of a simple interest rate over the 365-day period of 1,000 drams and the interest capitalization and payment frequency.

The annual percentage yield of the deposit is the amount received from the calculation of interest payable at annual interest rate.

The procedure for calculation of annual percentage yield is defined by Regulation 8/02 of the Central Bank of Armenia "On calculation of annual percentage yield of bank deposits".

The Bank shall pay the interest to the Client's account quarterly. According to the RA law "On income tax”, the Bank acts as the tax agent of the depositor through collecting and transferring to the state budget the amount of payable income tax.

*** Documents and/or information with an expired maintenance term in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia shall not be provided to the Bank's clients.

**** Only one payment ring is provided with one card. When ordering a payment ring for an active card, it is necessary to submit an application for re-issuance of the card.

***** An additional fee of AMD 50,000 is set, in addition to this fee,  if the Customer is identified remotely for opening an account without physically visiting the Bank. In the case of providing several cards or accounts with remote identification to the customer on the same day, one additional payment is applied.

In addition to what is specified in these tariffs, additional service commissions may be applied by the servicing bank for cash withdrawal transactions.

******** As part of additional services, payment card insurance is provided with an insurance amount of AMD 200,000 for a period of 1 year.



The Management Board decision N  01/073-434 Լ  dated 28.09.2023








  1. General commission fees


Card provision (issue)*****

15000 AMD

1.2 Card provision (issue)******* receiving additional services******** 22000 AMD


Attached Card provision (issue)*****

15000 AMD


Card service fee

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month

400 AMD per month


Attached card service fee

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month 

200 AMD per month

200 AMD per month


Cash withdrawal fees



  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by cards






  • via ATMs of the Bank and ACBA Bank by digital cards

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash terminals of the Bank



  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system






  • via cash terminals of other banks

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via ATMs of other banks

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via ATMs of other banks – members of ARCA system and all other banks by digital cards

1,5% min 1500 AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500  AMD

1,5% min 1500 AMD


  • via cash-desks of the Bank without presenting the card  (alsօ applicable in case of closing the card and the card account )

According to tariffs of cash transactions for individuals


Fee for crediting the card account

  • up to 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency) via the Bank’s cash-desk *

0.5% min 100 AMD

0.5% min 100  AMD

0.5% min 100  AMD

0.5% min 100  AMD

  • above 200000 AMD (or equivalent currency)

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  • Card account replenishment via non-cash transfer 

 According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals

  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)


  • Card account replenishment via ATMs of banks not serviced by ARCA Processing Center  (Cash-in)



Annual simple (nominal) interest rate calculated to the card account balance **

  • As of the end of day the balance is above or equal to 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR





  • As of the end of day the balance is less 5,000,000 AMD or 10000 USD/EUR






Fee for non-cash payment for goods and services by cards via payment terminals








  1. Card loss, re-issue and closing
  1. 1

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system





  1. 2

Blocking of the card in the Bank's authorization system and registering in the Stop-list

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

15000 AMD

for 2 weeks

  1. 3

Re-issuance of card based on the client’s application

2,000 AMD

2,000 AMD

2,000 AMD

2,000 AMD

  1. 4

Unblocking of the card in the Bank’s authorization system for entering incorrect PIN

1,000 AMD

1,000 AMD

1,000 AMD

   1,000 AMD

  1. 5

Closing of the payment card and account based on the card-holder’s application

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

   free of charge

  1. Penalties and charges

Penalty for card account overdraft

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum

48% per annum

  1. Transfers
  1. 1

Card-to-card transfers to the Bank’s card





  1. 2

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks-members of ARCA system





  1. 3

Card-to-card transfers to the cards of other banks- not members of ARCA system

2% min 500 AMD

2% min 500 AMD

2% min 500 AMD

2% min 500 AMD

  1. 4

Transfers from the card account

  According to the bank transfers and payments tariffs and terms for individuals (in case of closing the payment card and account, intra-bank and interbank transfers to the RA banks are made free of charge)

  1. Other commission fees
  1. 1

Provision of payment ring ****

125000 AMD

  1. 2

Provision and re-issue of Priority Pass card

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 3

Access to the Priority Pass service network 

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

service is unavailable

  1. 4

Delivery of SMS for authorizations, one-time PIN code and secret code for online transactions

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD

15 AMD

  1. 5

Delivery of SMS for loan liabilities

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

  1. 6

Provision of statements and certificates ***

According to tariffs and conditions of opening and service of bank accounts of individuals

  1. Authorization limits
  1. 1

Daily cash withdrawal limit

1,500,000 AMD

3000 USD

3000 EUR

7000 CNY

  1. 2

Number of daily cash withdrawals





  1. 3

Daily noncash transaction limit

3,000,000   AMD

6,000 USD

5,500 EUR

20000 CNY

  1. 4

Number of daily noncash transactions





  1. 5

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

2,500,000 AMD

5,000 USD

4,000 EUR

25000 CNY

  1. 6

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 7

Maximum limit for daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

1,000,000  AMD

2,000 USD

1,700 EUR


11000 CNY

  1. 8

Number of daily card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 9

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

5,000,000 AMD

10,000 USD

9,000 EUR

62000 CNY

  1. 10

Number of  weekly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 11

Maximum limit for weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

2,500,000 AMD

5,000 USD

4,000 EUR

25000 CNY

  1. 12

Number of weekly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 13

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC

7,500,000 AMD

15,000 USD

14,000 EUR

95000 CNY

  1. 14

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. 15

Maximum limit for monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC

4,000,000 AMD

8,000 USD

7,000 EUR

450000 CNY

  1. 16

Number of monthly card-to-card transactions to cards not issued by ArCa CJSC





  1. Provision conditions
  1. 1

The basic payment card is issued to an adult individual, non-resident of the Republic of Armenia, upon provision of proper and valid documents specified in the List of documents required for debit card issuance.

  1. 2

The payment card is provided to individuals having an e-mail address and a mobile phone number.

  1. 3

The payment card specified in these tariffs cannot be provided as an attached card for other types of cards.

  1. 4

The payment card is provided for 5 years. Payment card re-issuance is carried out for a new term in the cases defined by the Payment Cards Rules.

  1. 5

The payment card account is opened in one of the currencies specified in these tariffs. 

  1. 6

Only one type payment card can be issued in the same currency.

  1. 7

The payment card is issued within 5 working days upon provision of proper and valid documents specified in the List. The payment card is activated in accordance with the Payment Cards Rules.


* In case or in the process of insolvency of the Bank's self-service devices (terminals) or inaccessibility of the service for replenishment of accounts and cards at the Bank via those terminals, as well as for the Bank branches (CSD) not furnished with such devices, the tariff is set 0 (zero) AMD.

** Annual simple (nominal) interest rate is the tariff based annual interest rate, according to which the Bank calculates the interest payable to the Client.

For example: 1000 AMD * 5% = 50 AMD for 365 days

The annual percentage yield (APY) is the percentage that a person will receive as a result of a simple interest rate over the 365-day period of 1,000 drams and the interest capitalization and payment frequency.

The annual percentage yield of the deposit is the amount received from the calculation of interest payable at annual interest rate.

The procedure for calculation of annual percentage yield is defined by Regulation 8/02 of the Central Bank of Armenia "On calculation of annual percentage yield of bank deposits".

The Bank shall pay the interest to the Client's account quarterly. According to the RA law "On income tax”, the Bank acts as the tax agent of the depositor through collecting and transferring to the state budget the amount of payable income tax.

*** Documents and/or information with an expired maintenance term in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia shall not be provided to the Bank's clients.

**** Only one payment ring is provided with one card. When ordering a payment ring for an active card, it is necessary to submit an application for re-issuance of the card.

***** An additional fee of AMD 50,000 is set, in addition to this fee,  if the Customer is identified remotely for opening an account without physically visiting the Bank. In the case of providing several cards or accounts with remote identification to the customer on the same day, one additional payment is applied.

In addition to what is specified in these tariffs, additional service commissions may be applied by the servicing bank for cash withdrawal transactions.

******** As part of additional services, payment card insurance is provided with an insurance amount of AMD 200,000 for a period of 1 year.


Content for comparison

Page Updated on Thu, 2023-10-12 12:33
Developed by Studio One