N |
Opening of account (AMD) |
0 |
Minimum account balance |
0 |
Annual account maintenance fee (AMD) |
0 |
Annual interest rate accrued on total daily balance of account or accounts 1 |
Contractual |
Interest payment frequency 2 |
Quarterly |
SMS notification on account activity and balance |
Bank account tariffs for legal person and individual entrepreneur clients shall apply |
Issuance of special account statement (AMD) |
Issuance of information statements (AMD) 3 |
2.4 |
Account closure fee |
1 The Bank shall be entitled to transfer the annual interest accrued on total daily balance of the account or the accounts to another bank account of the developer. 2 Interest rates accrued on the bank account balance of non-resident legal persons shall include the profit tax rate for non-residents (in cases prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia). 3 The tariffs shall include the value added tax (VAT). |
* Receipts and expenditures of the principal special account shall be implemented in AMD only. |
The Bank shall open developer’s special accounts for resident and non-resident legal persons and individual entrepreneurs having a construction permit in the Republic of Armenia and having ownership right to a land plot intended for construction. |
The Bank shall open developer’s special account within maximum 2 banking days upon receiving all necessary documents according to document list. |
The Bank shall accept application-agreements on opening developer’s special account, shall open and manage developer’s special accounts in the Bank branch network and at the head office. |
The Bank may open more than one developer’s special account for each developer in AMD only. |