Information to Avoid Internet Fraud
Dear customers,
Financial fraud and scams are becoming more and more diverse. Therefore, for providing quality services and protection from information threats, we provide you with necessary information to ensure your security and protection.
Below we list the most common types of internet fraud:
Phishing is generally conducted via email, and is aimed at getting confidential data, code and password of the addressee. The false email generally contains a link to a web page, its form or URL being identical with the original one. The victim finds himself on the phishing web page via the link sent to the email. Then the web page, by some means, requests information about the card, including its PIN code and the three-digit verification code printed on the back of the card (CVC).
In case of vishing, fraudsters try to get in touch with you by phone and may introduce themselves as a Bank employee, requesting to provide your card details and PIN code or personal data (first name, last name, date of birth and/or address), for example in order to unblock your card. This information will later enable the fraudsters to access your funds.
Smishing is a type of fraud in which fraudsters send a text message to your phone. The messages generally say that your card is blocked and you need to provide your card details, or that allegedly, you won a prize in a draw game and to get the prize, you need to send some money to the organizer’s account.
Intermediary organizations or individuals
Some organizations or individuals, introducing themselves as intermediary credit organizations or bank agents, mislead citizens by offering various services, including opening a bank account at a bank branch and providing them your Mobile Banking name/password, or the intermediary provides the customer gold jewelry/bar gold, leading him to pledge it at a Bank branch and receive a loan on pledge of gold or offers assistance with receiving a loan in a facilitated manner, demanding as a commission fee the most part of the loan, leaving the obligation to repay the loan to the borrower.
To avoid possible cases of fraud:
In case of any questions or if you need consultation, our specialists will gladly provide you with any necessary information and/or assistance in the process of receiving loan or in using other online services.
Ardshinbank will never contact you:
In case of any questions please call the Bank’s 24-hour communication center at 012-222222.
You can also contact the Bank via the Mobile Banking application (section “Communication with the Bank”).