P: Taxpyers with a turnover of 5 billion and more and top 50 taxpayers of the Republic of Armenia | ardshinbank

P: Taxpyers with a turnover of 5 billion and more and top 50 taxpayers of the Republic of Armenia




P: Taxpyers with a turnover of 5 billion and more and top 50 taxpayers of the Republic of Armenia


Guarantees for the completion of activities and prepayement  (for development and other activities carried out pursuant to the beneficiary's order)

Contest Participation

Assurance guarantees for the completion of activities and prepayement  (for development and other activities carried out pursuant to the beneficiary's order)

Quality guarantess for the activities completed (accomplished)

Bank guarantees for the prepayment, advance payment for the procurement of goods, telecommunication operators, etc.



Based on the CBA exchange rate list



upon the Beneficiary's demand


Interest rate or issuence/release fee (not redeemable)


In favor of a beneficiary in the Republic of Armenia

for a lump sum charge


For a monthly charge

Moreover, with a top class mortgage warranty

In favor of beneficiaries outside Armenia (no FFI commission is charged without a required approval  by an international financial organization)

for a lump sum charge

For a monthly charge

Moreover, with a top class mortgage warranty (no FFI commission is charged without a required approval  by an internation financial organization)



Application-bid study fee


Moreover, only for funds and/or guaranteed bonds released by the Bank (charged for each credit instrument):

Not defined


Issusance fee charges

lump sum: upon issuance of guarantee

monthly: during the effective period of warranty


Creditor,  bank account availability



Minimum amount

Not defined


Maximum amount

Not defined



Resident and non-resident legal entities, individual entrapreneurs and natural entities having attained the age of 18 in the Republic of Armenia  


Warranty return assurance

Available in Appendix 1


Duties, fines



Other provisions



Defined as a result of credit committee discussion and may be not apply.
Bid study, issuance fee , 
for a credit insrtrument in a foreign currency, the calculation and charging shall be made in AMD based on the Bank's effective commercial exchange rate for conversion,


The availability of a bank account is not mandatory for a non-resident guarantor, mortgager



However, no less than the profiability threshold established by the  bank. For a credit instrument in a foreign currency, the exchange rate shall be equal to the Bank's sale exchange rate as of the moment of issuing the credit. 


Customers shall be granted classes subject to the Bank's "Corporate Client Classification Procedure";     






  • 1 For P or A class organizations  
    2 Maximum period of the main agreement for the implementation of credit functions 240 months 
    3 Price for concluding  main agreement for the implementation of credit functions Contractual
    4 Bid study fee for making changes before the signing of agreements (under conditions of deciding neasures of satisfying a bid still in effect).  Contractual
    5 Bid study fee for re-establishing a decision on satisfying a bid still in effect subject to the same conditions.  Contractual
    6 Bid study fee for reviewing effective credit tools (except mortgage agreement) Contractual
    Moreover, pertaining only to a credit instrument secured by a top-class credit (accreditives not included) Contractual
    7 Fee for the content of the warranty letter/change in the text (when no changes in the credit committee or new decision making is required) Not charged
    8 Substitution of one measure of well-being with another. Not applying to cases when a measure of well-being is subsittued by:  Contractual
     - funds, including demand deposit and term deposit;
     - stocks released  by CBA;
     - State treasury bonds of the Republic of Armenia
     - Bonds released by the Bank
     - Standard gold bars
    9 Exemption fee for any means of susbsistence upon the client's demand (for every year regardless of the amount of property mortgaged under the contract) Contractual
    The decision on satisfying the bid shall enter into effect within 30 days after adoption
    Enforcement of conditions stricter than those in the document shall not be deemed a deviation prescribed by the given document.


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