Frequently asked Questions | ardshinbank

Frequently asked Questions

  • Question


    What are the advantages of a credit card?

    You may acquire a credit card now but use it whenever you want. You have an opportunity take advantage of the preferential repayment period of the credit line without paying interest, as well as to receive CASH BACK from non-cash payments in the amount of 1%-2% of the transaction performed (depending on the card type).

    How to use a credit card to avoid paying interest? You will not pay interest to the Bank if you fully replenish the amount of the credit line used by you during the reporting period of repayment.

    What is a grace period?

    The grace period of loan repayment is the period starting from the date of using the credit card limit (when the Bank does not calculate an interest fee in case of fully repaying the used part of the credit). 

    What necessary requirements apply to credit history?

    At the time of loan formulation, there should be no overdue or classified existing loans in the name of the client, and no overdue liabilities for 30 or more days in the last 12 months.

    What is the annual actual interest rate of a credit line?

    The annual actual interest rate is the interest rate indicating the real value of a credit based upon the frequency of paying the interest fee and all the credit-related costs, as well as all other costs related to issuance and service of a credit. The annual actual interest rate reflects the interest rate at which the credit would be provided if all the costs were included in the interest rate calculation.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

    What are the requirement for the borrower? 

    The borrower must be a citizen of the Republic of Armenia and be registered in the Republic of Armenia or the Republic of Artsakh. The Client must be at least 21 years old at the time of credit card approval and no more than 65 years old at the end of the credit. And in case of a credit line with cash collateral, the minimum age for the Client must be 18.

    How to attach the payment card to APPLE PAY?

    You may get acquainted with the process of attaching the card with this link

    How to attach the payment card to GOOGLE PAY?

    You may get acquainted with the process of attaching the card with this link

    Is it possible to make a cash withdrawal via APPLE PAY/GOOGLE PAY?

    Yes, it is. You may get acquainted with the tariffs with this link


  • Question Answer

    What to do if you have lost your bank card?

    You can block the card directly through the  Ardshinbank Mobile Banking app or immediately inform the Bank about it  by calling the communication center (24/7 phone number  012-222222), using the online chat on the website or visiting any branch of the Bank.

    How many days does it take to return the confiscated cards?

    Cards confiscated by the Ardshinbank ATM machines are sent to the Bank's head office or a corresponding branch within 3-5 business days. If the cards issued by other RA banks are confiscated at Ardshinbank ATMs, they are sent from the head office to ARCA CJSC within 3 to 5 working days for the purpose of sending them to the issuer's bank.

    Is it possible to receive the payment card on the same business day?

    Yes, you can geta non-personalized card (ArCaVisaMastercard) on the same business day in case of the availability of the corresponding documents. You can order a Digital card, having Ardshinbank Mobile Banking application.

    How to freeze/unfreeze (block/unblock) a credit card?

    If the card is lost or suspected of fraud, you can freeze /block it either through a phone call or through the Ardshinbank Mobile Banking application. The unfreezing can also be done both with the Bank's Mobile Banking app, and by calling the bank's communication center (012-222222). 

    Can the card be blocked due to incorrect PIN code entry?

    If you enter the PIN code incorrectly 3 times, your card is blocked. To unblock or create a new PIN code, you need contact the bank by calling 012-222222.

    How to change the card's PIN code?

    The PIN code can be changed via the Ardshinbank ATM machines.

    How to attach the payment card to APPLE PAY?

    You may get acquainted with the process of attaching the card with this link

    How to attach the payment card to GOOGLE PAY?

    You may get acquainted with the process of attaching the card with this the link

    Is cash withdrawal possible via  APPLE PAY/GOOGLE PAY?

    Yes, it is. You may get acquainted with the tariffs with this link

    Is it possible to open a payment card remotely?

    For the issuance/reissuance of the card, you can contact the Bank by sending an email to [email protected] or via the "Contact the Bank" section of the Bank's Mobile Banking application. After receiving the relevant approvals from the Bank, to organize the process, the Bank employee will contact you to present the terms and rates. You can order the digital card online and receive it through the Ardshinbank Mobile Banking application.

    Is it possible to deliver an issued/reissued card abroad?

    In case of a remote issuance, the delivery is carried out against an additional fee set by the Bank, the cost of which depends on which country the card will be sent to.

    Is it possible to activate the Mobile Banking app without visiting the Bank?

    Yes, for registration and activation, you may refer to the guideat this link



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