According to the RA law "On guarantee of remuneration of bank deposits of physical entities" bank deposits of physical entities, including private entrepreneurs, made in banks operating on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, are remunerated in the amounts mentioned below:
- If You have a deposit only in AMD within the bankrupt bank, the guaranteed deposit will make up AMD 16 mln;
- If You have a deposit only in foreign currency within the bankrupt bank, the guaranteed deposit will make up AMD 7 mln;
- If You have deposits both in AMD and in foreign currency, and the deposits in AMD are more than AMD mln, only the deposits in AMD will be guaranteed up to the amount of AMD 16 mln;
- If You have deposits both in AMD and in foreign currency within the bankrupt bank, and the deposit in AMD is less than AMD 7 mln, the deposit in AMD is fully guaranteed, the deposit in the foreign currency is guaranteed in the amount of the difference between AMD 7 mln and the paid deposit in AMD.
All the deposits of the depositor in AMD at the same bank are considered as one deposit and all the deposits of the depositor in foreign currency at the same bank are considered as one deposit.