Announcements | ardshinbank


  • Attention!


    Dear customers

    Please be informed that on April 04, 2024, from 8:00 PM to April  07, 2024, until 09:00 AM, due to technical updates Mobile banking, Internet banking system and payment terminals services will be unavailable.

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused!

    New updates are made to enhance the quality of services we offer to you.


    Best regards,
  • Dear customer, please be informed, that the Bank tariffs of Custody and Investment services have been changed. The changes are highlighted in red and will be effective from 06.03.24. 

    For individuals:

    For Business


  • Dear customer

    Ardshinbank congratulates you on the upcoming holidays!

    Get acquainted with the working schedule of our branches, Head Office and Communication Center on New Year's and Christmas holidays.

    All branches of the bank and the Head Office will work according to the usual working schedule until December 29, 2023.

    On December 30:

    Our branches working on Saturdays will continue to serve customers from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    Byuzand branch (Yerevan, Mashtots 15/5) until 21:00,
    Cascade branch (Yerevan, Tamanyan 1/70) until 20:00,
    Hatis branch (Verin Ptghni, 5 Street, 1 block, 5 building) until 19:00,

    Zvartnots branch (Yerevan, "Zvartnots" M/OKH 42) - round the clock.

    on December 31

    Zvartnots branch: on 31.12.2023 until 17:00.

    All branches will resume work on 03.01.2024 at 9:15.

    The communication center will be in touch 24/7, tel.: 012 22 22 22.
    Ardshinbank mobile banking will be available 24/7.

    Thank you for using our services.

  • Dear customers

    We inform you that the payment card rules of “Ardshinbank” CJSC have been changed. These changes will come into effect for new customers from 30.11.23 and for existing customers from 08.12.23. Rules here:

    See changes outlined below: 

    Old version

    New version

    3.3.8  For means of security, payment cards are provided to clients in a blocked (inactive) status, while non-personalized cards in some cases may be provided in active status. 

    3.3.8  Payment cards shall, for security reasons, be issued to Customers in a suspended status, while non-personalized cards may in some cases be provided in an active status. 

    4.5.1   To operations specified in this section may be applied rates, established by the relevant authorized organization on the date of settlement of such operations.

    4.5.1  The latest exchange rate issued by the Bank in the processing center on the day prior to making mutual settlement shall apply to billing exchanges.

    4.10.3 The Bank may automatically make an urgent reissue of the payment card 2 months before its expiry. In this case, re-issue applies to payment cards, which have active (active) status at the time of their reissue. If at the time of urgent reissue of the payment card this type of card is no longer issued by the Bank, the Bank may issue for the cardholder such a payment card that best suits the type and conditions of the reissued card. 

    4.10.3  The Bank may automatically make an urgent release of the payment card 2 months prior to the expiry thereof. Moreover, payment cards with a valid status upon release shall be subject to rerelease. If upon the urgent rerelease of the payment card this type of card is no longer issued by the Bank, the Bank may issue for the cardholder such a payment card that best suits the type and conditions of the reissued card.  Moreover, in case of a fixed-term re-release, non-personalized cards shall be re-released as debit cards with the standard package of the same card type and served subject to the terms designed for that particular package.

  For debit (settlement) cards:

    • if at the date of making a decision on reissue of a payment card, the amount of the cardholder's card account balance is equal to or exceeds the tariffs for servicing this card type for 2 years and (or)


                              - For credit cards: 

    •   If the term of the line  of credit attached to the credit card exceeds the validity period of the payment card in effect.

  For credit cards: 

    •   If the term of the line  of credit attached to the credit card exceeds the validity period of the payment card in effect.

    4,10,5 If the cardholder does not wish to reissue a payment card, he must inform the Bank about it three months before the expiry of the card's validity period. If the cardholder does not notify the Bank in the manner prescribed by these Rules of his/her disagreement regarding the issuance of a payment card under clause 4.10.3 or servicing the issued card, then the relationship between the Bank and the cardholder continues in the manner prescribed by the Contract and these Rules.


    4.10.6 In case the payment card is unclaimed by the cardholder within 3 months from the date of its re-relase, the Bank may liquidate the re-released card.

    4,12,1 The payment card is closed on the basis of a written application of the cardholder or upon the expiration of its validity period and the impossibility of its re-issue in the manner provided for in these Rules or the Bank tariffs. To close a payment card, the cardholder may apply to the Bank also by calling the Bank's Communication Center. In case of applying to the Bank to close the payment card by phone, if there are sufficient grounds for identifying the cardholder, the payment card is closed.

    4,12,1 The payment card shall be closed based on an application filed by the cardholder in a manner prescribed by the Bank or upon the expiry of validity period thereof (provided it is not subject to re-release) under the procedures prescribed by the present Rules or in cases stipulated under the Bank's tariffs. To close a payment card, the cardholder may apply to the Bank also by calling the Bank's Communication Center. In case of applying to the Bank to close the payment card by phone, if there are sufficient grounds for identifying the cardholder, the payment card is closed.   


    4,12,2 Closing of the card account and

    termination of the Contract are carried out on the basis of a written application of the cardholder in the manner provided for in clauses 13.1.4, 13.1.5of these Rules, or in the unilaterally on the initiative of the Bank, if the cardholder did not perform operations on the payment card within 1 year and (or) in case of default or improper performance by the cardholder of obligations under clause 10.1.18of these Rules.

    4,12,2 The payment card shall be closed, and the Agreement shall be dissolved based on an application filed in a manner prescribed by the cardholder's Bank or via a telephpne call by the card holder subject to procedures prescribed by 13.2.11and 13.2.12hereof or may be implemented unilaterally on the initiative of the Bank subject to procedures prescribed by the Bank’s tariffs, as well as in the event of a non-performance or improper performance by the cardholder of the liabilities under 10.2.25.


    • Use of available funds until the billing of card:

    Surplus generated as a result of outgoing transactions in case of transactions without a billing of card (receipt of card to card transfer, return of transaction, etc.) 


    5.2.3 Monthly fee for servicing of the payment card is calculated and charged for each month, if in a given month the payment card has an active status (not closed). Annual or monthly fee for servicing the card is charged from the balance of the client’s account. If collection of service fees is impossible due to the specific nature of certain payment card transactions) or for technical reasons, the annual or monthly card service fee may be withheld later for previous years or months in the manner provided for in clause 5.8of these Rules.


    5.2.3 Monthly fee for servicing of the payment card is calculated and charged for each month, if in a given month the payment card has an active status (not closed). Annual or monthly fee for servicing the card is charged from the balance of the Customer’s account. If collection of service fees is impossible due to the specific nature of certain payment card transactions) or for technical reasons, the annual or monthly card service fee may be withheld later for previous years or months in the manner provided for in clause 5.8of these Rules.



    5.2.4 If paying the monthly fee for servicing a card account there is not sufficient amount on the payment card to be collected within 3 months or more, the client’s card account and payment card may be blocked/suspended.

    5,2,4 For the monthly fee of the payment card, the month starting from the date of the card release shall be counted as a month and shall be settled and charged at the end of the given day.

    5.2.5 The activity of the card account and payment card shall be resumed only after the full repayment of the obligations under the commission payments. In this case, if crediting funds to the client's card account, the account maintenance fee for the months of its stay blocked is also charged.




    12.1   Printing of the cardholder’s photo the on the backside of payment cards

    12.1.1 The Bank may, on the basis of the cardholder's offer, print a photograph of the latter on the back of the payment cards to identify the given client.





  • Dear customer

    On  September 21 (the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia), only the following branches of Ardshinbank will provide customer service:

    • Byuzand – Yerevan, 15/5, M.Mashtots ave., 09:00-21:00,
    • Zvartnots – Yerevan, Zvartnots Airport (24/7, technical break: 08:45-09:15, 20:30-21:15)
    • Hatis- Verin Ptghni, 1st district, 5th street, 1st blind

    The call center will operate 24/7. Your can make your banking transactions through Ardshinbank Mobile Banking application 24/7.

  • Dear customers
    Please be informed that on August 26, 2023, from 8:00 PM to August 27, 2023, until 09:00 AM, due to technical updates, some services will be unavailable:
    •Mobile banking & Internet banking system, 
    payments made through terminals. 
    Furthermore, we kindly request your understanding that our “Zvartnoc” & “Byuzand” branches will also be non-operational on August 26, 2023, from 8:00 PM to August 27, 2023, untill 09:00 AM. 
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
    New updates are made to enhance the quality of services we offer to you.


  • Dear Customer,

    We inform you that the General terms of banking services have been changed. They are highlighted in red.

    The changes will come into effect from 14.04.2023. 




    3.10 The Bank shall deem credible the data under its possession, including those submitted by the Client, and shall rely on them as long as the Bank has not informed the Client, in a due manner, of the changes therein. Meantime the Bank shall have the right to verify the information provided by the Client in which connection the Client shall, by concluding the Agreement, authorize the Bank to make any repeated verification (necessary in the opinion of the Bank), making inquiries on behalf of the Client with individuals and agencies posssessing such information

    3.10 The Bank shall deem credible the data under its possession, including those submitted by the Client, and shall rely on them as long as the Bank has not informed the Client, in a due manner, of the changes therein. Meantime the Bank shall have the right to verify the information provided by the Client in which connection the Client shall, by concluding the Agreement, authorize the Bank to make any repeated verification (necessary in the opinion of the Bank), making inquiries on behalf of the Client with individuals and agencies posssessing such information. At the same time, the Client is aware that the identification of the recipient of the transfer can be carried out by the recipient's bank, based only on the account number.

    3.16 The Client shall make the payments for the services provided by the Bank in accordance with the Bank's Tarriffs; meantime, the currency for the said service shall be converted in accordance with rate established by the Bank. The Bank shall have the right, without additional instructions by the Client, to charge, without acceptance, the fees established subject to the tariffs, as well as the expenses made by the Bank as a result of providing the Client with services – and in the event of generating debts to the Bank under the agreements signed therewith, directly from the Client’s Accounts without additional assignment’s by the Client. Meantime, the Bank shall have the right to convert the amount to be debited from the currency account at the rates by the Bank and to charge the fee for conversion established by the Tariffs. 

    3.16 The Client shall make the payments for the services provided by the Bank in accordance with the Bank's Tarriffs; meantime, the currency for the said service shall be converted in accordance with rate established by the Bank. The Bank shall have the right, without additional instructions by the Client, to charge, without acceptance, the fees established subject to the tariffs, as well as the expenses made by the Bank as a result of providing the Client with services – and in the event of generating debts to the Bank under the agreements signed therewith, directly from the Client’s Accounts without additional assignment’s by the Client. Meantime, the Bank shall have the right to convert the amount to be debited from the currency account at the rates by the Bank and to charge the fee for conversion established by the Tariffs. 

    9.1 The Client can register as a user of the I-banking system by visiting the Bank and signing the corresponding application-offer or independently by submitting the corresponding application-offer via Ardshinbank I-banking system (following the steps described in the “Guideline for online registration of a client-individual person in Mobile banking system", posted on the official website of the Bank), or remotely. When registering online, the Client is provided with limited access/only review access, and in cases provided by the Bank, the Client can be provided with access to use the services of the System.

    The Client using the I-banking mobile system can register both by visiting the Bank to sign the corresponding application-offer or independently by submitting the corresponding application-offer via Ardshinbank I-banking system (by accessing the Bank’s official website to follow the steps described in the “Guideline for the Online Registration of a Client Acting in the Capacity of a Natural Person in Mobile Banking System”), or remotely. In case of the Client’s registration online, the Client shall be provided with limited/only review access and in cases established by the Bank -the Client may be authorized to use the services accessible via the System. 

    9..3 The Client accepts that connection to Ardshinbank I-banking service described in paragraph 9.2 via a remote system is available to clients using the services of issuing, reissuing and servicing Debit/settlement cards, as well as attached cards only in remote mode.



    9.7 The Client accepts and agrees that instead of the SMS code, he can use another Token App or software tool (Google authenticator), which generates a one-time unique identification code, and with which the Client logs in and/or two-level transaction confirmation. The client chooses the software tool himself and bears all risks, losses and losses associated with his choice.


    9.8 The Client also accepts and agrees that if the System is available through the mobile application, PIN code, touch ID, Face ID on the mobile phone is used instead of SMS code when logging in and confirming transactions, except for the first login, in which identification using a one-time SMS code is applied.


    9.9The Client accepts and agrees that in order to deactivate/restore the selected and activated Token App or other software tool (Google authenticator), he must contact the Bank's communication center by calling 374 12 222222.

    9.10 Clients - individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, users of the Ardshinbank I-banking system, can change their passwords by calling the Bank's communication center or their servicing branch. After proper identification of the Client, an employee of the communication center or branch ensures that a new password is sent to the Client - an individual entrepreneur or legal entity in the form of an SMS message. The caller is also subject to identification, and can only change his/her user password. If it is impossible to properly identify the Client and (or) the user, the request to change the password is rejected. Directors of clients - individual entrepreneurs or legal entities of Ardshinbank I-banking system can apply for changing a user password, terminating a user or registering new users also via I-banking system means of communication.

    9.10 Ardshinbank I-banking users acting in the capacity of sole entrepreneurs and legal entities can change their passwords by calling the Bank's communication center or their servicing branch. After proper identification of the Client, an employee of the communication center or branch shall ensure that a new password in the form of an SMS message is sent to the Client acting in the capacity of a sole individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. The person making the call also undergoes an identification procedure and can change only his/her password as a user. Whenever it is impossible to ensure the proper identification of the Client and (or) the user, the request for changing the password shall be rejected. The directors of Ardshinbank I-banking clients acting in the capacity of sole entrepreneurs or legal entities can submit their user password change or user suspension, and new user registration bids also via the I-banking communication tools.

    The Client is obliged to notify the Bank immediately in case of loss of access passwords, as well as loss of security certificates and other software if disclosed to third parties or threat to use them.

    The Client is obliged to notify the Bank immediately in case of loss of access passwords, as well as loss of security certificates and other software if disclosed to third parties or threat to use them.

    9.15.2 The client determines the method of identification in the System for each user mentioned in the offer, and regardless of the method and means of authorizing transactions, the confirmation of the operation by the Client (the User) in the System via the available instrument is proved by a properly certified instruction of the Client with relevant rights and obligations.

    9.15.2 The client determines the method of identification in the System for each user mentioned in the offer, and regardless of the method and means of authorizing transactions, the confirmation of the operation by the Client (the User) in the System via the available instrument is proved by a properly certified instruction of the Client with relevant rights and obligations. The Client can get acquainted with the list of the Bank's services on the official website of the Bank .

    9.15.10 The limits, specified in the application-offer of an individual person (except for sole entrepreneurs) on provision and maintenance of the System or the Bank's offer for connection to the System, are standard. If other limits are set by the terms of the System, these limits apply, which may be unilaterally changed from time to time by the Bank. The limits specified in the application-offer of an individual person (except for sole entrepreneurs) on provision and maintenance of the System or the offer of the Bank for connection to the System, as well as limits specified in the terms of the System (except for limits set for the Telephone Bank tool), can be changed also based on the Client's offer (in the form acceptable to the Bank) to change the terms of service of the System upon its acceptance by the Bank.

    9.15.10 The limits, specified in the application-offer of the client on provision and maintenance of the System or the Bank's offer for connection to the System, are standard. If other limits are set by the terms of the System, these limits apply, which may be unilaterally changed from time to time by the Bank. The limits specified in the application-offer of the client on provision and maintenance of the System or the offer of the Bank for connection to the System, as well as limits specified in the terms of the System (except for limits set for the Telephone Bank tool), can be changed also based on the Client's offer (in the form acceptable to the Bank) to change the terms of service of the System upon its acceptance by the Bank.







  • Dear Customer,

    We inform you that the General terms of banking services of Ardshinbank have been changed.  The changes will come into effect from 14.04.2023.

    Please click on the link below to view the terms and conditions. 


    Old version

    New Version


    11.2  By providing Custody services, the Bank acts as a sub-custodian and acts as an intermediary in a process of providing services of Armenian and/or foreign custodians. The Bank is not responsible for the activities and/or inactivity of Armenian and/or foreign custodians, including their decisions and rules, as well as their bankruptcy, operational risks, fraud, license revocation/cancellation, sanctions imposed on them, which may lead to negative consequences/losses for the Customer.


    11.17 The Client's Instruction is the basis for freezing the transaction amount and commission on the Client's account, calculated with Bank tariffs for the execution of the Instruction until the moment of its execution. The Bank has the right to refuse the Instruction in case of insufficient funds of the Client.

    11.18 The Bank shall charge commission fees specified in the Tariffs from the Client's AMD accounts specified in the Contract. In case of insufficient funds on the AMD account specified in the Contract, the Bank shall have the right to directly withdraw the specified fees from other accounts of the Client opened with the Bank. In case of debiting commission fees from the Client's accounts in other currencies, the non-cash exchange rate of the Bank at the time of debiting is applied.

    11.18 The Bank shall charge commission fees specified in the Tariffs from the Client's AMD accounts specified in the Contract. In case of insufficient funds on the AMD account specified in the Contract, the Bank shall have the right to directly withdraw the specified fees from other accounts of the Client opened with the Bank. In case of debiting commission fees from the Client's accounts in other currencies, the non-cash exchange rate of the Bank at the time of debiting is applied. If there are not enough funds on Client's accounts for making the specified charges, the Bank has the right to charge an insufficient amount by forming a receivable in the name of the Client.

    11.23  The Bank undertakes to retain the Contract and Instructions submitted on its basis, as well as other documents for at least 10 (ten) years, unless a longer storage period is established by law

    11.23  The Bank undertakes to retain the Contract and Instructions submitted on its basis, as well as other documents for at least 7 (seven) years, unless a longer storage period is established by law.

    12.4  By signing the Application-contract, the Client confirms and acknowledges that when using investment services, the Client may experience the following risks.

    12.4  By signing the Application-contract, the Client confirms and acknowledges that when using investment services, the Client may experience the following risks, for which the Bank is not responsible for:


    12.4.6   Infrastructure risk (counterparty risk). occurrence of potential losses. As a result of decisions, internal policies, activity or inactivity of counterparties (including, but not limited to, custodians, clearing houses, registry keepers and other persons providing securities services (Third Parties)), As a result of Third Party bankruptcy, operational risks, fraud, license revocation/cancellation, sanctions imposed on Third Parties, which prevent Third Parties from fulfilling their obligations.

    12.15  A separate brokerage account is opened with the Bank for each Client.

    12.15  A separate brokerage account is opened with the Bank for each Client, unless otherwise stipulated by the contract signed between the Bank and the Client.


    12.41  The Client's Order is the basis for freezing the transaction amount and commission on the Client's account, calculated with Bank tariffs for the execution of the Order until the moment of its execution. The Bank has the right to refuse the Order in case of insufficient funds of the Client.

    12.45  For the services stipulated in the Terms, the Bank is charging the fee from the Client set by the Bank's Tariffs.

    12.45  For the services stipulated in the Terms, the Bank is charging the fee from the Client set by the Bank's Tariffs. In case of insufficient funds on the AMD account specified in the Contract, the Bank has the right to withdraw the specified fees directly from other accounts of the Client opened with the Bank. In case of debiting commission fees from the Client's accounts in other currencies, the non-cash exchange rate of the Bank at the time of debiting is applied. If there are not enough funds on Client's accounts for making the specified charges, the Bank has the right to charge an insufficient amount by forming a receivable in the name of the Client.


  • Dear Clients,
    We would like to inform you that there have been changes in the General terms of banking services and the Payment card rules of Ardshinbank.
    The changes will take effect for new customers from 08/22/2022 and for existing customers from 08/30/2022.
    Inin the General terms of banking services: the rights to use the available services of the i-banking system of Ardshinbank for persons registered as users of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have been changed.
    In the Payment cards rules: a regulation on liability for damages caused to the Bank by the Client has been added.

Content for comparison

Page Updated on Thu, 2024-08-29 10:14
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